The benefits of therapy - ResMed Middle-East

The benefits of therapy

Why should I continue to use my equipment?

It’s important to continue your therapy even if it’s difficult to get used to at first. Once you start to feel the benefits, you’ll never look back.

By sticking to your sleep apnoea therepy, you could be on your way to enjoying better sleep, better relationships and a better quality of life.

You may also find you feel more energized with therapy, which can help with motivation to start exercising. Losing weight can help improve your sleep apnoea condition too.

Other benefits of sleep apnoea therapy include:

–  You may help to lower the associated risks of sleep apnoea.1

–  Reduce symptoms of untreated sleep apnoea, such as palpitations, dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath and chest discomfort.2-3

Check out the following links for more about the benefits of treating respiratory insufficiency associated with other conditions, such as OHS, COPD, NMD, chest wall disorders, CSR.


  1. Babu et al. Type 2 diabetes, glycemic control, and continuous positive airway pressure in obstructive sleep apnoea. Arch Intern Med 2005. 165: 447-452
  2. Wolk et al. Sleep-disordered breathing and cardiovascular disease. Circulation 2003. 108: 9-12 
  3. Buchner et al. Continuous positive airway pressure treatment of mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea reduces cardiovascular risk. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2007; 176(12): 1274-1280
  4. Romero-Corral A, Caples SM, Lopez-Jimenez F, Somers VK. Interactions between obesity and obstructive sleep apnoea: implications for treatment. Chest. 2010 Mar;137(3):711-9. At the time of the writing of this manuscript, Dr Romero-Corral was supported by a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the American Heart Association. Dr Caples is supported by NIH grant HL99534. Dr Lopez-Jimenez is a recipient of a Clinical Scientist Development Award from the American Heart Association. Dr Somers is supported by NIH grants HL-65176, HL-73211, and 1UL1 RR024150, and by the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine.