Patient outcomes - ResMed Middle-East

Patient outcomes

Patient with NMD treated with ResMed therapy


NIV has been shown to improve daytime arterial blood gases and the symptoms associated with respiratory failure for NMD patients1-3.

  • Less feeling of weakness
  • Improved swallowing
  • Reduced dyspnea
  • Less feeling of fatigue and sleepiness
  • Fewer morning headaches
  • Better concentration
  • Improvement in mood.


In amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients, NIV improves quality of life and sleep-related symptoms.

In patients without severe bulbar dysfunction,4 NIV prolongs survival by 7 months.

In Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patients:

  • A retrospective review of 100 consecutive patients born between 1970 and 1990 found that NIV improved survival. Spinal surgery did not increase forced vital capacity, but in combination with nocturnal ventilation, further improved median survival.5
  • Significant reduction in hospital in-patient days.6


  1. Ward SA, Chatwin M, Heather S, Simonds AK. Randomised controlled trial of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) for nocturnal hypoventilation in neuromuscular and chest wall disease patients with daytime normocpania. Thorax 2005; 60:1019–1024
  • 2: C Senent et al. A comparision of assisted cough techniques in stable patients with severe respiratory insufficiency due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 2011; 12:26–32

  • 3: Rabec et al. Evaluating noninvasive ventilation using a monitoring system coupled to a ventilator: A bench-to-bedside study. Eur Respir J 2009; 34:902–913

  • 4: Bourke SC, et al. Noninvasive ventilation in ALS: Indications and effect on quality of life. Neurology 2003; 61:171–177

  • 5: Eagle M, Bourke J, Bullock R, et al. Managing Duchenne muscular dystrophy—the additive effect of spinal surgery and home nocturnal ventilation in improving survival. Neuromuscular Disorders 2007; 17:470–5

  • 6: Leger P, Bedicam JM, Cornette A et al. Nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation. Long term follow up in patients with severe chronic respiratory insufficiency. Chest 1994; 105:100–105