Getting the most out of ventilation therapy - ResMed Middle-East

Getting the most out of ventilation therapy


Adhering to treatment is critical for patients receiving noninvasive ventilation.

Research indicates that patients and their families are more likely to adapt to and continue therapy if they have:

  • proper equipment and training1-4
  • an adequate number of caregivers1-4
  • a support system of experienced healthcare professionals.1-4


At ResMed, we agree that the best way to improve therapy compliance is by using a multi-faceted approach, which includes:


Equipment replacement

Timely equipment replacement is critical to helping patients stay compliant and comfortable during therapy.

Take the time to educate your patients on knowing when and how to replace components of their products, and how this relates to comfort and therapy effectiveness.

The parts that need to be replaced more regularly include tubesfiltersmask accessories and tracheostomies.



  1. Oppenheimer EA. iVUN News. 1997
  2. Zozula et al. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2001
  • 3: Hoy et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1999
  • 4: Chervin et al. Sleep. 1997