Common symptoms of sleep apnea - ResMed Middle-East

Common symptoms of sleep apnea

Tired man has a symptom for Sleep Apnea Resmed

The first and most common sign of sleep apnea is usually observed by your loved ones: snoring. They might also tell you that you make gasping or choking sounds while you’re asleep.

You might notice some other symptoms common to the different types of sleep apnea, such as:

  • constant tiredness
  • poor concentration
  • morning headaches
  • depressed mood
  • night sweats
  • weight gain
  • lack of energy
  • forgetfulness
  • sexual dysfunction
  • frequent urination at night

Sleep apnea has also been linked to a number of other diseases, such as:

  • type 2 diabetes
  • obesity
  • cardiovascular disease, such as hypertension (high blood pressure), coronary artery diseases,  heart failure.


Remember, these symptoms may not always relate to sleep apnea, so please discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor to ensure that an accurate diagnosis is made.